Unprecedented scandal: Jeremic’s partner sent a shameful message to President Vucic (PHOTO)



13.12.2020. 22:18

Another in a series of embarrassing ads accompanied by an even more embarrassing photo, addressed to President Vučić, appeared on the social network.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vucic, Photo: Tanjug

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, the perpetrators of Djilas’ insane will and desires are constantly belittling and attacking, and his favorite place to fight is social media.

Another in a series of embarrassing comments followed by an even more embarrassing photo appeared on Twitter.

One of Vuk Jeremic’s People’s Party members, tweeter Marko M. Dragoslavić, posted a shameful post on that social network, addressed to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. In that way, he showed the opposition in the right light.

“Good evening, our dear President, even on Sundays people make cakes for you. Because we love you,” wrote Marko M. Dragoslavić.

Marko M. Dragoslavić

Marko M. Dragoslavić, Photo: Twitter Print Screen

Marko Dragoslavić attracted attention during the uproar at the National Public Service Building, when he addressed members of the opposition Dragan Djilas, Boško Obradović and Vuk Jeremić broke into the RTS building and stopped broadcasting.
