Unknown persons removed the poster of the Democratic Party in Nušićeva, the lock on the door of the party premises was changed (VIDEO)


Today, unknown persons removed the board with the name of the party in front of the headquarters of the Democratic Party on Nušićeva Street, and the lock of the premises of this party was changed.

Former DS MP Balša Božović posted a video on Twitter showing an unknown person removing the board.

He wrote that “Zoran Lutovac and Dragana Rakić are removing the last traces of the DS headquarters.” and asked “in whose name are they doing this and on whose behalf”.

The announced press conference of the faction that organizes the party’s elections has moved from Nusiceva Street to the premises of the DS Municipal Board in Zvezdara.

The presidential candidate Branislav Lecic, the president of the Organizing Committee Vida Ognjenovic and members of the Electoral Commission will speak at the conference in which the results of the Electoral Assembly will be presented.

Earlier today, Bozovic announced that there was a physical intrusion into the DS headquarters on Nusiceva Street, that the ballot boxes were smashed and the ballots smashed, and that members of the Election Commission in the old town were physically attacked.

We remind you that the DS faction gathered around Branislav Lecic organized elections within the party, which the current party president, Zoran Lutovac, does not recognize. During the day, there were incidents in which some 60 people, led by the current Vice President of the DS, Dragan Rakić, broke into polling stations, smashed the ballot boxes, broke the ballots and were not allowed to enter Lečić.
