Unknown details of Vladimir Vuletic’s interrogation were revealed: Just when he was supposed to be “hooked” to the polygraph, a reversal occurred.



11.03.2021. 09:39 – 11.03.2021. 09:45

The well-known black journalist Mladen Mijatović said today that the state is determined to deal with organized crime.

Mladen Mijatović

Mladen Mijatović, Photo: TV Pink / Printscreen

On television, Pinik Mijatović stressed that there are no protected people in this fight and that it is clear that the state is currently working to completely eradicate organized crime.

When speaking of the case of the former vice president of FC Partizan, Vladimir Vuletic, Mijatovic said that yesterday he was questioned at the SBPOK facilities about the circumstances of his relationship with Veljko Belivuk, for acts of money laundering, extortion and kidnapping.

Vladimir Vuletic

Vladimir Vuletic, Photo: ATA Images

– It was suggested that he take a polygraph test. He accepted that at first, however, when it came to realizing and whether or not to go “on the machine”, he refused to go to the polygraph for alleged health problems. Apparently, on the advice of a doctor, he did not undergo a polygraph examination, Mijatović said.

The journalist emphasized that Vuletić, along with Slaviša Kokeza and Dijana Hrkalović, is the third person to refuse a polygraph, which is indicative and indicates a suspicion that they are hiding something.

On that occasion, the presenter Predrag Sarapa added that “people for much lesser crimes ask to go to the polygraph to show that they are clean”, to which Mladen Mijatović replied that only “the president of Serbia does not avoid the polygraph”.
