Univerexport Group working hours for the May holidays


The Univerexport Group stores (Univerexport and Trgopromet) will operate on Wednesdays and Thursdays (April 29 and 30) according to the modified opening hours, adapted to the regulations and decisions of the Serbian Government.

The opening hours of most stores in Vojvodina are 6.30 a.m. at 5.30 p.m., and on Thursday the stores will be open from 4 a.m. at 7 a.m. for those over 65 years old. For other consumers, the opening hours start the same day from 7.30 in the morning due to the necessary disinfection of the facilities and equipment.

Stores in Belgrade are open from 7 a.m. at 5 p.m. on April 29 and 30, and those that open on Thursdays for people older than 4 a.m. at 7 a.m. for other consumers they start working from 8 a.m.

Exceptions are stores whose opening hours are governed by decisions of crisis staff, which can be tracked on the company’s official websites www.univerexport.rs and www.trgopromet.rs.

Non-business days for Univerexport Group’s 150 retail stores are May 1, 2, and 3.

Author: 021.rs

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