United against kovida Conditions to declare a state of emergency are met


The Association of Citizens United Against Kovid (UPK) announced that the conditions are met to declare a state of emergency in Serbia due to the coronavirus epidemic, assessing that the law “prescribes what is an emergency situation and what is an epidemic”, thus such as “what measures can be applied” and what state agencies are competent to do so.

UPK, which arose from the initiative of the same name to sign a petition of medical workers in Serbia who are not satisfied with the work of the Crisis Personnel of the Republic to combat the coronavirus epidemic, affirms that this is clearly established by the Protection Law of the Population against Infectious Diseases. situation, without crisis staff.

“When we talk about the organs that have to fight the epidemic, this law prescribes the Minister of Health, the Commission for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases and the Institute of Public Health. Each of these organs has its own competences”, the statement says.

According to the UPK, “there is no body called Crisis Staff in this or in any other legal regulation.”

“In particular, there are no components called the medical and political part of crisis personnel in our general public. There are no legal dilemmas in those parts of that body. There are no legal dilemmas on this issue, nor are there statutes by which crisis personnel were trained “. it says in the ad.

UPK reminds that all statutes must be in accordance with all laws and in accordance with the Constitution, and that in a possible conflict when prescribing between a law and a statute, the legal solution has priority.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
