United against kovid: pressure, intimidation of doctors, all in white on Saturday


We have not had any contact with the Health Ministry since the launch of the United against Kovid petition, and Minister Zlatibor Loncar has not yet announced our request for an emergency meeting, said Vuk Vučić, orthopedist and representative of the United Citizens’ Association. Against Kovid. The cases of intimidation of doctors that are happening make us react, that is why we call on all citizens to train in white on Saturday and thus show their support for doctors, he added. Lawyer Nenad Vojinović said that a working group of that association had been formed for the protection of the rights of doctors.

“We try to dialogue, but everything that is being done is perceived as an attack in our country, we are becoming a society in which it is very difficult to agree. We are still waiting for someone from the Ministry to invite us,” said Vucic.

Vojinović affirmed that they have formed working groups in the United Association Against Covid, one of which is for the protection of the rights of doctors, because that group receives numerous reports that doctors are violating their rights, mainly related to employment. or specialization.

“That number is incredibly large, dozens of applications have come in, an examination is being carried out, I cannot say that all the applications have been founded, but there are those that we have examined to a large extent and have been established, they must be resolved urgently” , said. .

Vojinovic affirmed that the doctors, who, he said, were praised by the authorities themselves as those on the front line, are at the same time threatened with “shifts, illegal working hours, illegal working hours, they are intimidated if they are signatories of some initiatives “.

The young doctors who were admitted during the epidemic due to a lack of health personnel, who carried the greatest burden of the epidemic and mostly stayed in the red zones, now have a situation that forces them, as the lawyer says, to sign ” statements to be illegally redeployed. ” in some situations, they are threatened with dismissal. “

“They are not only those who signed the petition, there are also doctors who are not signatories of the letter … they must be protected, and they are not, because there are some dictators who run clinics as if they were their private companies,” he said.

United against kovid is demanding the resignation of only two hospital directors, because it is the directors who have flagrantly violated the rights of doctors, he explained.

“At Zvezdara Hospital, ten doctors left that institution in a month, up to five anesthesiologists managed to leave the clinic, there are various methods of intimidation, most of the people in contact with us said what the reason is – and that is the reason. organization of work in the hospital … most of them have moved to other health institutions, obviously they do not want to work here, “says Vojinović, adding that among them there are some who are signatories of the UPK and others who are not.

Speaking about the situation in Leskovac, Vučić said tensions were rising and doctors were being threatened, and all of that seemed like a “test balloon.”

“It is as if they were looking for a reaction, the situation in Novi Pazar, in the Military Medical Academy, we have to react to these things, we have clear data that it is intimidation, and it has to stop. The health system has been collapsing for too long, because we live in a partiocratic system. ” where hospital directors have been in a position to act for years, they can be replaced by email overnight and not allowed to do anything, “he says.

Doctors are constantly trying to signal that we need to talk.

“We have reached the end, the signatories of this initiative are middle-aged, those who carry this work, and we are extremely dissatisfied. We want to speak first of all. I think they are not so blind, they may not have information about why the people are so dissatisfied, “he said. Vucic.

“We do not know if Loncar knows about the problems or not, now he has an indication that something is happening and he must dedicate himself to it, now it is his turn and it is his duty. He will receive more details, as well as the public, the case.” on the subject, intimidation over intimidation … I am interested in finding solutions, ”said Vojinović.

Vučić also said that it was amazing that no one wanted to talk to them.

“The silence shows that we live in a childbirth system, the demands we have are only towards institutions where there are blatant examples of intimidated doctors,” he added.

Vučić also said that he had heard about the information, and from Rade Panić, the president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists, about the possible introduction of a state of emergency on October 1, but claimed that he did not know if that was the case because he did not there was evidence.

Vučić affirmed that the invitation to citizens to train white on Saturday is not a protest, since doctors cannot have protests because the legal framework does not allow them to do so, but will organize an open press conference.

“The only thing we ask is that everywhere in Serbia, people train in white that day, be able to take photos, send photos to social media with hashtags, walk around cities, but also adhere to epidemiological measures,” he said.
