Union proposes: Belgraders have a higher minimum than the rest of Serbia


Belgrade – The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Belgrade has requested the determination of a higher minimum labor price that would be paid to employees in the territory of the capital.

Source: B92, Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, librakv

Photo: Depositphotos, librakv

In today’s session of the Economic and Social Council of Belgrade, this union presented an initiative to make the minimum wage in the capital higher than in the rest of Serbia because living conditions and costs are more unfavorable than those in the interior .

“When you take into account the prices of apartments, communal services, basic food, the amount of the average consumption basket in Belgrade is higher,” announced the union.

At the Serbian level, the minimum consumption basket is 38,100 dinars and in Belgrade it is 44,400 dinars, while in Leskovac it is 33,600 dinars, according to the union and estimates that the minimum price of labor cannot be the same for employees in Belgrade and other parts of Serbia.

The union estimates that at the moment, around 120,000 workers in Belgrade receive the minimum wage.

The Government of Serbia has adopted the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs that the minimum price of labor for 2021 be 32,126 dinars.

As of January 1, the minimum price of labor will increase by 6.6 percent, by 2,000 dinars, to 32,126 dinars.

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