Union of the Novi Sad Institute: financial assistance to health workers is selective



The union organization of the Novi Sad Emergency Medical Aid Institute warned that financial aid for health workers, who worked with patients infected by the new coronavirus, is paid selectively at that institution.

Due to the large number of employees, who addressed the Union Board regarding this issue, they sent several specific requests to the director of the Institute, Bogdan Zivanovic, noting that they expect a response no later than Monday noon.

The letter signed by the chairman of the Board of Trade Unions, Tymoshenko Grkovic, sets out the request to immediately suspend the selective payment of financial assistance to employees, determine the criteria for additional payments and include all employees in the Institute of Emergency Medical Help. or directly involved in working with kovida-19 patients.

They also ask the director to present a decision as soon as possible requesting funds for the payment of financial assistance to employees, and to determine the responsibility and correctness of the criteria, that is, the function holders who decided the algorithm according to which the made the selective list.

In mid-October, the Serbian Health and Welfare Employees Union announced that after several months of negotiations with the Ministry of Health, an application was adopted to reward all employees who worked with kovida-19 patients.

According to documents that employees gave to H1 Television, the Novi Sad Institute for Emergency Medical Aid paid more than 9,650,000 dinars for this purpose.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
