Underestimating this dangerous disease is life threatening, beware!


TADIC WON THE CROWN The president of the SDS left the hospital and said: Underestimating this dangerous disease is life threatening, watch out!

Photo: Vladimir Šporčić

Former Serbian President Boris Tadic has been discharged from the hospital and is feeling fine after a 15-day battle with the coronavirus.

Tadic claimed on Twitter that Dragisa Misovic had left KBC, and thanked the doctors and medical staff, who, he claimed, treat all patients day and night with exceptional dedication.

“Be responsible, because any underestimation of this dangerous disease can endanger life. Be careful,” said the current president of the Social Democratic Party.

Tadic discovered that he tested positive for coronavirus on December 5, when he received the test result, and then also informed everyone he was in contact with on Twitter.


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