Under what conditions can Serbian citizens travel to Germany? – Society


The German Embassy in Belgrade announced today that it will stop traveling to that country if it is not absolutely necessary

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belgrade announced today that the competent authorities in Germany, due to the large unchanged number of new infected by the Kovid 19 virus, have taken rigorous measures and that it is recommended to refrain from traveling to that country. .

Under what conditions can Serbian citizens travel to Germany?  onePhoto: EPA-EFE / ANDREJ CUKIC

They also remember that trips to Germany for tourist purposes are not allowed.

Citizens of Serbia who have a residence permit in Germany or a national visa they still have the opportunity to travel to Germany, stated in the ad.

“However, travel with the intention of a short stay in the country should be avoided in general. The embassy recommends that passengers consult the detailed information and travel recommendations published on the website of the German Ministry of the Interior before each entry to Germany, “announced the Embassy.

The following applies to the entry of family members with Serbian citizenship for a temporary family visit:

Immediate family members with Serbian citizenship (i.e. spouses, registered life community partners and minor children or parents of minor children) who are married or registered living with a German citizen, a European Union citizen, or A Serbian citizen who has a residence permit for Germany is entitled, without a visa, to travel on a temporary family visit.

Upon entering Germany, they are obliged to prove their belonging to the immediate circle of the family by presenting international documents. issued in Serbia or documents issued in Germany (eg marriage certificate, birth certificate).

Non-immediate family members of the first and second degree family (i.e. adult children, parents of adult children, siblings and grandparents) of citizens of Germany, the European Union or citizens of the Republic of Serbia who have a Residence permit in Germany, in principle, they have the right to enter Germany only for the purpose of a temporary family visit, if there is an urgent reason for the trip (such as the birth of a child, a wedding or a funeral).

Upon entering the country, they are required to present a certificate proving the reason for urgency, the immediate temporal context of the visit, and the family relationship (eg, marriage certificate, birth certificate). Other relatives with Serbian citizenship do not have the right to enter the country.

Furthermore, citizens of the Republic of Serbia who are visa-free due to emergency medical treatment or due to urgent business obligations must stay in Germany for a short time.In principle, entry to Germany is only allowed if the need to travel They can prove it by presenting the necessary certificates.

In addition, the following are still in force: the digital entry record, the obligation to carry out the test before leaving the country and the obligation of home self-isolation.

Citizens of Serbia are obliged to before leaving the country electronic application through the link: http://www.einreiseanmeldung.de/ (There is, among others, a form in Serbian). When registering, an electronic certificate is sent in pdf format, which they are required to present to the airline (e.g. the airline) when registering for the flight, as well as to the German border police upon entering the country.

In addition, citizens of Serbia from the age of 6 are already required to possess when entering Germany negative test for covid 19 virus. In case they travel with the help of a carrier (for example, by plane), they are required to present the certificate to the carrier before leaving the country. Without a negative test result, entry to the aircraft will not be approved.

Furthermore, all persons entering Germany from Serbia are obliged to return to their home or other suitable accommodation by the shortest route immediately after entering the country and to remain there continuously for ten days after entering the country (home self isolation).

They have the right to leave quarantine no earlier than the fifth day after entering the country, if the new test for the presence of the corona virus is negative.

Should the situation of pavidemia caused by the kovid 19 virus further worsen, it cannot be ruled out at this time that Germany will not take additional measures to restrict entry into the country or tighten existing measures. Therefore, it is valid that an urgent reason for travel or an already issued visa does not yet produce the right to enter Germany.

Therefore, passengers are advised to have complete documentation proving the purpose of the trip each time they depart for Germany, and to present it to the border police if requested.

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