UNCONSCIOUSNESS, CHEST PAIN, FOUR DAYS OF EMERGENCY … Doctors on the consequences that a man from Vranje who received a “disintegration” of the vaccine could have


The news that Sladjan Antic from Vranje received two “disintegrated” vaccines against the corona virus raised a lot of dust in the public. While the decision to remove the director of the Vranje Health Center is coming, Antić complains about the symptoms he feels after being vaccinated with both the “Pfizer” and “Sinofarm” vaccines.

Antic received the first dose of the “Pfizer” vaccine on January 28, and was duly invited for revaccination on February 18, but when it came to receiving the second dose of the vaccine, nothing was “adequate” anymore. Then the nurses gave Antić another dose, but Chinese vaccines!

This man from Vranje claims that after this “mix” of vaccines, he had “an indescribable sensation that his whole body was tickling.” He says that he began to faint, that he even spent four hours in the emergency room, where they gave him an infusion and did a blood test, and from there he was sent to the department of internal medicine and neurology, where he was given a neurologist. ” Some medicine”.

– I was too bad. It’s been a while, but my chest still hurts and I pass out every morning when I wake up, and sometimes it catches me during the day. The neurologist gave me medicine, I drink it, in addition to my therapy, which I take for sugar, Antic told the Telegraph.

Photo: VP / RAS Serbia

What could the consequences be?

Although Antica is called daily by the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Djerlek, to ask him how he feels, no one has a concrete answer on what consequences the “split” vaccination could cause for his health and explain his current situation. symptom.

The infectologist and former director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Dr. Dragan Delic, says that medicine does not have a precise answer to Vranje’s condition, because it is an “anecdotal situation” that medicine has not yet investigated.

Dr. Dragan Delic

Photo: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

Dr. Dragan Delic

– To conclude something you must have some experience. It is not possible to make general opinions on this individual example, because in medicine, professional opinions are made after some research, and I have not come across such an example in the literature. So, by my logic, I don’t see any problem and I don’t think anything could happen that could endanger that person’s health, but that’s just my logical thinking. Knowing the composition of vaccines, I do not see that there is any effect on health – says Dr. Delic for “Blic”.

His last name, epidemiologist Predrag Delic of the Kragujevac Health Center, also matches Dr. Delic.

Dr. Predrag Delic

Photo: Nebojsa Raus / RAS Serbia

Dr. Predrag Delic

– This should not make your general health worse. Immunolysis says that the effect of vaccination is also achieved in this case, but it certainly should not be done, but the individual should receive the vaccine that started the immunization process, but in general I think this will not endanger their health. Dr. Delic said for “Blic”.

Let us remind you, Antić claims that the nurses gave him the wrong vaccine by mistake.

– They didn’t look when they entered the data. I gave a card to the doctor and he forwarded it to him, since they work on the computer. They did not look at what was written on the cardboard and they were also able to see it safely on the computer. The doctor is, what is more tragic, my friend, I spoke with him and that is what happened – said Vranjanac.

That day, he says, there was not even a crowd, what’s more, he was the only one: “I was there at 9.25 am, there was no one in front of me, I was the only one at the counter.”

He says he has not yet filed a lawsuit, but is working on it.

– I haven’t talked to anyone specifically about that yet. Let me tell you, nobody has given me anything in writing yet, it all comes down to oral – he says.

He also claims that the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, calls him every day as promised and asks about his health.

– He’s a top league man. They went to the Health Center today to see how he was doing, but he wasn’t home at the time. And the mayor called me. He was really worried, Antić says, and when asked if they told him what to do next, he revealed that they told him that he would be a guest on a show with Dr. Predrag Kon tomorrow and that he would tell him what and how.

Dr. Tiodorović: Something like this must not happen again

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, speaking about this case a few days earlier, said that something happened that should not have happened and would not have happened if the procedures had been followed.

Branislav Tiodorović

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Branislav Tiodorović

– Something like this should not be repeated, the procedure is known, the procedure is clear and must be carried out to the end. Everyone should be asked before they are given another dose of the vaccine you received. Not only know your documentation, but also ask you. And if you don’t know, to see that in your documents, prof. Dr. Tiodorović added that the most important thing is that the patient’s health status is under control when the second vaccine is administered.
