Uncertain situation, necessary compliance with measures to avoid THIS


WHAT IS WAITING FOR US IN OCTOBER Kon: The situation is uncertain, it is necessary to respect the measures to avoid THIS

Photo: Printcsreen TV Pink

Epidemiologist and Crisis Staff member Predrag Kon declared today that the epidemiological situation in Serbia has stabilized at a low level, but that in Belgrade on Thursday and Friday a clear increase in the number of patients attending the clinic is clearly observed. .

“Fortunately, no covid is found in them, but that shows that acute respiratory infections are slowly beginning to intensify, which we will have in the next period, and that it will make the work of medical services difficult,” Kon said.

That is why, as he himself says, he insists that the situation is uncertain and that great care must be taken not to worsen it and to maintain an acceptable level.

“If we can welcome October without a raise, to stay acceptably low, then we are already in the new season, the flu vaccination season, for which we must prepare,” Kon said.

Kon pointed out that in much of Serbia epidemiological measures are not respected at all, pointing out that these are people who are on vacation, who do not wear masks and stay in large numbers in certain areas.

photo: Zorana Jevtić

That is something that cannot be left without consequences, says Kon.

The increase in the number of infected people can also occur due to the return of citizens from abroad, he said.

As he adds, we are also entering the period of respiratory infections, which usually start from schools, and in this case it is possible that they also start from work groups.

Kon also points out that means of transport are inadmissible places for the spread of the virus, emphasizing that one should not look favorably on someone who does not wear a mask in transport.

“It is a clear and conscious boycott of measures,” Kon said.

He says that for now, the jump in the number of patients cannot be related to the start of the school year, because everything possible has been done to prevent transmission in schools.

Schools will not be closed, only in case of massive infection in the general population.

He pointed out that the fact is that children between the ages of 15 and 19 are the most ill, but that there are no serious cases, which creates the illusion that covid is a mild disease.


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