Ubisoft announces new Assassin’s Creed (VIDEO)


Ubisoft announces new Assassin’s Creed (VIDEO)

Nikola Jevremović

April 30, 2020

Of course, the overall appeal to Vikings, who in recent years have been suffocating popular culture, won’t skip a franchise that seems determined to cover absolutely every corner of history where Person A stabbed a knife into Person B. The French have revealed the name of the next issue of their most famous son yesterday, and have now published and official trailer of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

The central premise of the game revolves around the invasion of northerners into the bulk of England in the late eighth century AD. C., and you play the role of leader of the invading force. Fans of the series must have noticed that it has strayed from its roots over time, since Valhalle we should expect the same from Odyssey– Full role title. This involves weaving a unique story through strategies, alliances and dialogues. There will also be established settlement management, where the player will build specific facilities (tattoo parlor) and recruit new warriors. Who loved Black Flag (probably the best in the series) will be satisfied with the intense navigation (what would be the Vikings without ships).

The exact release date is not yet known, but is expected before the end of this year for PC (Epic and Ubisoft exclusive), Xbox One and PlayStation 4. In addition, owners of upcoming consoles, PS5 and Xbox Series X, you can enjoy it.
