Two players from the national team fought over blood and a knife!



08.31.2020. 17:02 – 31.08.2020. 17:16

The Russian soccer team will have Serbia as their first Nations League opponent on September 3.

Serbia soccer team

Serbia national soccer team, Photo: Tanjug

At the Choir meeting, the main topic is the dispute between Artyom Djuba and Aleksandar Sobolev.

There is a conflict in the Russian national team between experienced soccer player Zenit Artyom Djuba and young Spartak player Alexander Sobolev. The two had fights, and it all culminated in the fact that the young Spartak forward was not initially invited to the national team. However, he later received an invitation and is in Novogorsk, where the “assembly” is being prepared.

“It is possible to play with two forwards. Everything is always possible, I don’t know from the first minute, the match will tell you. The situation between Djuba and Sobolev does not bother us if we do everything on time. If we do it today, then We would care. Today everyone has trained, there are no problems or injuries, “said coach Stanislav Cherchesov.

Djuba and Sobolev said there were no problems between them.

“There was no conflict between us. I spoke with Sasha and no one apologized. We speak as men and that conversation remains between us. We greet each other, laugh and wish each other happiness. I hope this topic is closed once and for all.”, He says Artyom Djuba.

“As Artyom said, the story is exaggerated. We did not have a conflict. We listened to each other on the phone, we spoke like men. No one apologized. It is closed and everything is fine,” Alexander Sobolev said.

Russia will play the first match of the second edition of the Nations League against Serbia in Moscow at Spartak Stadium on September 3.

Do you expect Serbia to win?

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