Two more people died, 76 newly infected



High school students in Čačak are fully ready for the new school year

As of today, there are 1,900 students in the first grade of high schools in the Moravica district, and a total of approximately 8,000 high school students will start school.

The first classes of the new school year according to new regulations and different conditions, with a mandatory mask, respect for distance and periodic disinfection.

At the Čačak School of Mechanics and Traffic, they decided on a combined model.

Even before the start of classes for 1,121 students, everything was well organized, and only half of each class will come to the school each week, the other half will follow the classes remotely, so they will change next week.

They have also created their own multiplatform where they configure didactic content and communicate with students.


Two newly infected people in Kragujevac

Of the 209 samples processed in the laboratories of the Kragujevac Institute of Public Health and the Nis Faculty of Medicine, coronavirus was confirmed in two people from Kragujevac.

In other municipalities in the Šumadija district, there are no new infections.

At the Kragujevac Clinical Center, 26 patients are being treated, five of whom are on a ventilator.


Eight more died and 147 new patients in Kosovo and Metohija

In Kosovo and Metohija, in areas under the supervision of the Kosovo government health system, in the last 24 hours, eight people died from kovid 19.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, 533 people have died who, according to doctors, had other accompanying diseases.

The Pristina Institute of Public Health registered 147 new cases of coronavirus infection based on the tests of 534 samples.

A total of 13,601 people have been infected in Kosovo and Metohija since the outbreak of the epidemic. 9,792 cases and 3,276 active cases were cured.


There are 19 patients in Čačak hospital

The influx of patients with symptoms and signs of covid infection has been reduced at the admission and triage clinic of the Čačak General Hospital.

During the day, 17 patients were examined.

A total of 19 patients were hospitalized in all the wards that were converted into covid wards.


7,509 samples analyzed

In the last 24 hours, two people died in Serbia, while 76 new cases were registered. There are 48 patients on respirators. 7,509 people were tested.

69 people were hospitalized, while 128 were discharged from hospital treatment.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said after meeting with Kovid hospital directors that the coronavirus situation is better thanks to compliance with the measures and that now will be made available to patients who have had to wait for examinations or interventions due to the epidemic, certain health facilities.

Jankovic said there should be no relaxation and that only rigorous implementation of all current measures can keep the numbers acceptably low.
