Two more died, 51 newly infected



Social protection institutions: 36 users and 10 employees infected

As of 05.10.2020. During the year, in social protection institutions and homes for adults and the elderly, the presence of coronavirus was confirmed in 36 users and 10 employees, according to the website of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs.

The total number of cured users of social protection institutions is 1,044 and the number of cured people employed in social protection institutions is 422.


Two patients in Kraljevo hospital, without admission and discharge in 24 hours

Two covid patients are currently hospitalized at the General Hospital “Studenica” in Kraljevo, the health institution announced.

According to the daily report, no patients were admitted to the hospital during the last 24 hours.

Likewise, in the same period, of the previous report, there was no discharge of patients from the hospital.



A total of 33,952 cases were registered

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,159,806 people have been tested and the total number of registered cases is 33,952. Kovid-19 has claimed 756 lives so far, it was posted on the website.


5,349 samples analyzed

In the last 24 hours, 5,349 people were tested in Serbia and 51 of them were confirmed for the coronavirus.

Two people lost the fight to kovid 19.

289 people were hospitalized and 20 patients were on respirators.

Immunologist and crisis staff member Srdja Jakovic told RTS that the end of the epidemic is not expected this fall, adding that it is up to all of us how long everything will last.

He noted that the models being developed say that in a few weeks the crown can explode if we do not adhere to the measures and that It depends on the citizens what the increase will be.

Tighter control of the use of masks in public transport has been initiated. For those who do not respect that decision, the fine is 5,000 dinars. If a passenger enters a vehicle without a mask, drivers are required to warn him to leave the vehicle, and if he does not, to inform the dispatcher who will dispatch the closest patrol to the field.
