Two infected sisters in kindergartens in Leskovac and Vlasotince


The new coronavirus was registered with two triage nurses who worked on the admission of children to kindergartens in Leskovac and Vlasotince, Južne vesti reported. The director of the preschool institution “Milka DImanić” in Vlasotince, Snežana Filipović, said that the infected nurse was on the job for only 15 minutes and that she worked in full protective equipment, so there is no room for panic.

Southern newsThey recall that authorities announced mass testing of all kindergarten employees before the opening, and that only those whose tests for coronavirus will be negative will work. However, on Monday, May 11, a triage nurse came to work at one of the nurseries of the “Milka Dimanić” preschool in Vlasotince, a municipality that was a hotbed before the end of the epidemic.

Why did you come to work if you did not have a negative test? Director Snezana Filipovic replies that the schedule was made in advance and the nurse arrived at work shortly before the test results.

“We were tested on May 9 and sent a list of workers who have been working since Monday. On Monday morning at 7:15 sharp, I was informed of the results. Only she was positive without any symptoms and He immediately returned home. He was wearing all the equipment and the visor. “The educator on duty measured the temperature of the children at the entrance and the nurse only took the documentation. At the time, there was only one child, “said the director.

He adds that there is no room for panic and that all the other employees, who were evaluated on May 9, 42 of them, are negative. Other employees who are waiting for the results, according to the director, are not on the job and will start working only when they receive the test.

She is a positive and triage nurse for coronavirus at the preschool “Vukica Mitrović” in Leskovac. Director Jasmina Andjelković Đorđević claims that the sister was not in contact with the children who started kindergarten on Monday.

“At the time it was confirmed that she had the virus, there were no children in kindergarten, that was last week, she had no contact with the children. No more positives, we tested everyone who was in contact with her. and we are all negative. ” she was examined and only she is positive, but it was confirmed in the week when no work was done with the children, “said the director.

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