Two horrible assassination attempts in the Požarevac area!


As we have learned unofficially, the girl is suspected of stabbing her grandmother in the stomach with a knife.

– VM called the police and said he found a seriously injured grandmother. The woman was taken to the hospital with fatal injuries, and the police decided to bring her granddaughter, because it is suspected that she injured the old woman – says our source.

-He had 1.84 per thousand of alcohol in his blood at the time of his arrest, and he repeated that he had nothing to do with the crime and that someone else did it – says the source and adds that today she will be questioned before the Superior Prosecutor’s Office of Pozarevac .

This is the second assassination attempt in the Požarevac area since the beginning of the year. That is, on New Year’s morning, NS (51) from the village of Bare near Požarevac was arrested, suspected of trying to kill his father-in-law R. Đ. (71), with whom he lives in the same home.

– Son-in-law and father-in-law had a family fight due to disturbed relationships, so NS grabbed Satara and hit him on the body, arms and head. The unfortunate man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries and his son-in-law was arrested. Apparently they fought over the choice of music, Kurir’s source said.

( J.Ivić / Photo illustration by TS)

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