Two commissions on the ground, that plane does not have a black box, but it has ESTA


MINISTER VULIN AFTER THE TRAGEDY NEAR MALI ZVORNIK: Two commissions on the ground, that plane has no black box, but it has THIS

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said tonight that two commissions of the Serbian army have been formed to investigate the cause of the accident near Mali Zvornik, in which two pilots were killed during the MIG 21 accident.

Vulin told RTS that this type of aircraft does not have a classic black box, but rather parameter recorders that, he said, have not been found at the time of his visit.

“The commission of experts from the Air Force and Air Defense, led by General Aleksandar Bijelić, is on the ground, and the Serbian Army General Staff formed a commission, led by Brigadier General Popović,” Vulin said.

Asked when the first results can be expected, the minister said that he would not rush the commissions, but that they would do everything possible and that everyone was interested in knowing what happened as soon as possible.

He indicated that all the results obtained by the commissions are first sent to the Prosecutor’s Office, which decides whether the information in the report will be distributed and how it will be done.

“This is a terrible tragedy that affected the friends and families of the pilots, but also the Serbian army and our entire nation.” The work of a pilot is tremendously difficult and every flight is a danger of death, we must be aware of that, it is simply like that ”, affirmed the Minister.

Vulin said that in earlier times you didn’t fly for six months and that today not a day goes by without one of the Serbian army pilots not flying.

He stressed that no Serbian army plane can take off without receiving five signatures, four are delivered by competent engineers and mechanics, and the fifth is the pilot’s signature.

He reiterated that the pilots were on a regular flight reconnaissance mission and that this was done every day.


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