Twice as infected in Nis, even better than in the north


Three patients with covid died at the Nis Clinical Center in the last 24 hours, according to the website of this institution. The number of people connected to the respirator is also growing; now there are six of them.

It is worrying that today the number of new patients with crown has doubled compared to the previous days individually, when between 25 and 30 new cases were discovered daily.

Today, there were more than 50 positive people in the city itself, Radmilo Janković, a member of the management of the city’s Clinical Center and head of the Anesthesiology Clinic, told H1.

Remember that the situation is further complicated by the fact that in the extreme south of Serbia, the epidemic is on a larger scale, and the most difficult patients from all places, from Kladovo to the Macedonian border, are being brought to Nis.

“Now we are in constant communication with colleagues from other hospitals in the southeast, and it should no longer happen that a patient is brought to us, without prior agreement and checking the protocol,” explains Janković.

He considers that the epidemiological situation in Nis is more stable in relation to the north of the country, although the number of infected and hospitalized is also growing in Nis.

There are 88 adults in the kovid rooms, four children with a lighter image are also being treated.

“In the first wave in March and April, we had a lot of people infected in Nis, maybe that’s why the situation here was a bit easier now. But, as of today, it’s getting more complicated and we shouldn’t get carried away by the idea that someone will become ill again, “says the doctor.

He points out that some doctors at the Nis Clinical Center fell ill again, but did not specify their number.

According to Janković, the main effort of the doctors in Nis is to organize the work of the Clinical Center during the fall and winter in such a way that urgent “invisible” cases can be attended to.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
