Transparency Serbia asked the Public Procurement Office to monitor the implementation of the law in public companies and other state-owned companies whose directors have expired, and to determine who signed public procurement plans and concluded public procurement contracts.
Transparency lists 20 companies whose directors have the status of acting directors, although the maximum duration of that status prescribed by law has expired: “Srbijagas”, “Srbijasume”, “Putevi Srbije”, “Posta Srbija”, “Elektroprivreda Srbije” , PE for underground coal mining “Resavica”, “Serbian nuclear facilities”, “Institute of textbooks”, “Bridge network”, “Emission technology and connections”, “Kopanik national park”, “Fruska Gora national park “,” Djerdap National Park “,” Railroad Srbije “AD, Srbija Voice” AD, “Srbija Cargo” AD, Transnafta AD, “Državna lutrija Srbije” DOO, “Tvrđava Golubački grad” DOO and “Rezervat Uvac” DOO.
If, after the expiration of their mandate, the contracts were signed by the acting directors, that is the basis for the nullity of the contract, explains Nemanja Nenadic of Transparency Serbia.
“It will soon be eight years since it became a legal obligation to call competitions for directors of public companies. Before those places were arranged in such a way that the Government set when it wanted, now we have a legal basis, terms of how long the action situation can last, and those terms are not respected. That creates bigger problems than before 2013, because then the party’s appointment was more or less in accordance with the law, “recalls Nenadić.
Ćulibrk: Vučić doesn’t hit them, nor did he hit Gasić and Lončar

A year ago, at the IMF’s proposal to apply the law and elect the directors of public companies on a competitive basis and terminate the acting director, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said no, recalls the editor of NIN , Milan Ćulibrk.
Who said at the time: ‘I will not give Gasic, I will not give Loncar, I will not give this, I will not give that’, because in his opinion, the real directors would behave differently, they would not listen to the executive power. “We are witnessing the World Bank’s assessment that the way public and state-owned companies are run costs taxpayers € 300 million annually,” Ćulibrk warns.
Vučić announced competitions, but nothing since

This is an anomaly that is written in the report of the European Commission, admitted the president of Serbia in early December, but there are still no changes.
“Soon we will go to a contest for all directors of public companies.” I think the government is already taking action, I even mentioned it in today’s meeting. “After the talks with the European representatives, that was my request to the members of the Government of Serbia, and I am completely sure that the Government will do it,” Vucic said at the time.
The report of the state audit institution shows that Serbian roads spent about 400 million euros without respecting the public procurement law. There is no director, there is an acting director who does not have the right to sign anything because the term expired eight years ago, since he could no longer be in that position.