Turkey-Russia meeting on Libya and Syria


Turkish and Russian officials are meeting this week in Ankara for a new round of talks on Syria and Libya, where the two countries support each other.

Source: Tanjug

The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced today.

“Consultations between the inter-agency delegations of Turkey and Russia on Libya and Syria will continue at the technical level on September 15 and 16, 2020 in Ankara,” the ministry said, Reuters reports.

Ankara and Moscow are the main mediators in the Libyan war and have been discussing a permanent ceasefire and a political solution.

Russia is supporting Caliph Haftar’s forces based in the East, while Turkey has helped an internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) repel Haftar’s offensive.

Ankara and Moscow also support the party’s opponents in Syria. Russia, along with Iran, supports the forces of President Baar al-Assad, and Turkey supports the rebels who want to overthrow him, recalls the agency.
