Tua in Kopaonik, a citizen of Montenegro was arrested


Members of the Ministry of the Interior in Raka detained a Montenegrin citizen SK (1982) due to the existence of grounds to suspect that he had committed the crime of participating in a fight.

Source: B92, index.hr

Illustration: Depositphotos / stevanovicigor

Illustration: Depositphotos / stevanovicigor

Last night, at a Kopaonik restaurant, he is suspected of being involved in a fight in which a 37-year-old man from Vranje and a 30-year-old Croatian national suffered serious bodily injuries.

The suspect was detained for up to 48 hours and, with a criminal report, will be taken to the Raka General Prosecutor’s Office.

Police continue to work to clarify all the facts surrounding the incident.

Croatian media reported today that Josip Kerum, a relative of Kerum, participated in the fight in Kopaonik.

Apparently his company got into a fight with a group of Montenegrins, and Josip and one of his friends were taken to a hospital in Novi Pazar.

Josip Kerum is also known to the Croatian police. A full arsenal of weapons was found near him in 2016, and in 2019 he was sentenced to a year in prison for it.

In addition, he was already in prison at the time of sentencing after 15 kilograms of marijuana were found in his car.

By the way, he hid 11 automatic rifles and two semi-automatic ones in Iov’s house, as well as 10 pistols and two revolvers with more than 13,000 rounds.
