TS on the construction of kovid hospitals: How did the difference of 40 million euros come about?


Transparency Serbia (TS) has stated today in the corrected statement on the occasion of the statement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, that equipping the Kovid hospital in Kruševac cost 10 million euros, that official data indicates that the cost of building and equipping that hospital in Batajnica is around 60 million euros. It is not possible to verify where the money was spent.

Referring to the data released by the Ministry of Health more than a month ago, TS states that the agreed price to equip the two kovid hospitals was two billion and 56 million dinars.

They also point out that on July 30 of this year, the “Belgrade” Military Construction Institution was in charge of preparing the project documentation and carrying out turnkey works in Batajnica for 3,328,500,000 dinars, and that the same contracting of works in Krusevac it was agreed a day later. for 1,660,194,000 dinars.

“So, a price of around five billion dinars has been agreed for the construction, and in total (with equipment), those seven billion dinars are equivalent to about 60 million euros,” they state in TS and point out that they do not it is possible to verify in any document. I spent exactly those 60 million euros.

“The only document available is information on the contract winners and the price, as well as the reasons why other information was not published,” they assure TS.

They recall that in the case of the equipment of the kovid hospitals, the procedure was carried out without the application of the Public Procurement Law, with the explanation “that its application would force the Republic of Serbia to disclose data whose disclosure is contrary to the essential interests of their security, based on the decision of the Government. ”

Likewise, the Supreme Courts point out that, instead of ensuring safety, the Ministry of Health referred to the reasons for the urgency, which, according to that body, was unquestionable.

“The urgency, however, was by no means a valid reason to completely exclude transparency during the procedure, nor to limit competition only to those companies that are directly invited to submit offers,” concludes the TS.

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