TRUMP WROTE TO VUCIC “Thank you for the gold coin, I wish you and the great people of Serbia all the best”


Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić received a letter from his American colleague, Donald Trump, which literally reads:

“Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for the gold coin (which you gave me) and for joining me in the White House to work for lasting peace and prosperity in the Balkans.

Trump's letter to VučićPhoto: Private archive

Trump’s letter to Vučić

I am delighted with your extraordinary courage in initiating the normalization of economic relations with Kosovo and I look forward to continuing to create a safer, stronger and even more prosperous region.

I wish you and the great people of Serbia all the best.

S poštovanjem, Donald Tramp “.

Recall, after spending a few days in the hospital due to the corona virus, the first man from the US, Donald Trump, returned to his usual duties in the White House, but also to the election campaign, which is at the end.
