TRUMP REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE DEFEAT “Nevada was abuzz with false voices, the things we post WILL BE SHOCKING”


Donald Trump went on to admit the defeat of Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the US presidential election. He wrote on Twitter that his controllers were not allowed to monitor the electoral process in Pennsylvania.

– Pennsylvania prevented us from controlling most of the vote count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country – wrote the President of the United States.

Trump also announced that he would win in Georgia.

The president also noted that Nevada was abuzz with false votes and that the things to be released will be shocking.

Since Biden was declared the winner on Saturday, Trump has called for electoral fraud and praised the large number of votes obtained.

In a campaign statement released Saturday, Trump clearly said he planned to fight the results in court, rather than accept Biden’s victory.

The president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, advised Trump to “use all available legal means to ensure accuracy” of the vote count.

Trump’s lawyer will challenge the crown’s positive results

Lawyer David Bosi, who is in charge of conducting legal proceedings for US President Donald Trump for questioning the results of the recent presidential elections, has tested positive for the corona virus, media report.

Therefore, Bossi is no longer part of the decision-making process in these attempts to question the election results, NBC News reports, citing an unidentified source.

Reuters also reported that Bosi was positive, citing a source familiar with the situation.

The news that Bossi, a prominent conservative activist who heads the Citizen United organization, was tested positively came just hours after it was announced that US Housing Minister Ben Carson was testing positive for kovid-19.

A few days ago it was announced that the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, tested positive for the corona virus, recalls CNBC.

VIDEO: Trump declared victory even though the vote count has not ended: They want to rob us!
