Trump or Biden: the race is heating up


Regardless, Donald Trump became president of the United States in 2016.

Despite all the maneuvers he used to remove administration experts and long-term allies during his tenure, despite controversial statements and even more contentious tweets, despite the impeachment process, earlier this year he was a clear favorite to win and a new term.

After that, the crown came and Joseph Biden began to take advantage.

Journalist and former correspondent Politics From Washington, Momcilo Pantelić says that everything was turned upside down with the coronavirus.

“According to the latest polls, concern about the disease has risen from 13 to more than 70 percent. Tramp’s lead has melted, the economy has fallen, unemployment has risen, and now it continues to fall again,” Momcilo Pantelic said. .

Trump was one of the leaders who downplayed the virus, refused to wear a mask, at one point even infamously assumed that bleach could help the sick, to which his opponent Biden tweeted: “I can’t believe you have to say this, but don’t drink bleach. “

“If we look at Trump’s speech at the convention in front of the White House, and not in Charlotte, where the convention was held, he spoke in the weakest and least capable way to justify that part where he talks about how and why what the United States did well during the covid crisis. ” “I don’t think people trusted him too much, and if he had other elements that he insisted on and sent, this was the thinnest,” said Milan Krstic of the Faculty of Political Science.

“Hillary Clinton had a bigger advantage over Trump than Biden”

Obrad Kesić, a Washington political analyst, believes that the crown will not stop Trump.

Remember that Hillary Clinton’s lead over Trump in 2016 was greater than Biden’s today and should be followed, not just by polls that speak of nationwide support, but also in countries that are described as wavering. in the end, she doesn’t know who will win.

“President Trump has already overtaken Joe Biden in several of those countries, and in others he has narrowed the lead. Polls show that momentum is currently on Donald Trump’s side and there are key parts of the electorate where he is making progress. These are. they are minorities, “Kesic said.

It is interesting that today such a state has become Minnesota, which traditionally supports the Democrats. It was there that the assassination of George Floyd took place, sparking mass protests and throwing the crown into the background for a time.

Biden then sent messages of support to African Americans, while Trump persistently repeated that he wanted “law and order,” repeating the mantra with which Richard Nixon once won the election.

“As expected, the reaction would have been if the country had gone even bluer, if it had been even more so for Democrats. However, as the protests were violent, Trump managed to mobilize some centrally-oriented voters who value the law. and order and stood by. “Trump in protest against the fact that Biden was not determined enough to condemn the violent protests, and now we have a situation where two candidates are also getting close in Minnesota,” Milan Krstić said .

Coronavirus erases Trump’s economic success

The Crown has not only questioned the ability of the current administration to lead the health crisis. In a few months, the virus destroyed everything the Trump administration has accomplished in the economy.

Little by little, the support for Biden came to have an advantage of up to 10 percent.

However, lately it has been declining. Now at seven percent, the advantage for Trump is still a long way off, but not unattainable.

“There are two key issues that will decide this election. These are the perceptions of voters who can best fight the economy, and here and in these polls, Donald Trump has a significant advantage, about 55 percent of citizens are more confident. on him than on Joe Biden. “Obrad Kesić said.

Milan Krstić stressed that it is very important that Biden does not act agile enough in the campaign.

He is someone who is still quite passive. In fact, until recently he ran the entire campaign from his residence, as it is called a “bunker,” in Delaware. On the other hand, Donald Trump is much more agile, his campaign is much more agile in countries that will decide the outcome of the elections, “said Krstic.

Biden’s third candidacy

In March, the Democrats seemed pretty lukewarm. In the end, they could not muster the strength again to elect Bernie Sanders, who is, in American terms, almost a communist, and who was perhaps the only one who could match Trump.

Joe Biden was elected, for whom this is the third run for the nomination. He lost to Obama for the last time, after which he became his vice president.

While it made sense for him to run after Obama’s two terms, he left that role to Hillary Clinton.

Which shows that he is a man without broader support and at the moment the favorite of the establishment, who has a problem gathering that leftist current that Sanders represented to vote for Biden. You have a problem with voter motivation. He must win with a compelling Black and Latino majority. because without that majority, no Democrat won after Lyndon Johnson in 1964, “said Momcilo Pantelic.

Since the beginning of Trump’s term, several books have been published aimed at discrediting the president, which he somehow succeeded, according to the writer.

The latest book on Donald Trump received the most publicity. It’s called “Rage” and it was written by Bob Woodward, the journalist who discovered the Watergate affair. He says that in talks this year, the president admitted to him that he believed the crown was deadlier than the flu, but that he deliberately reduced the danger by not wanting to spread panic.

The first television duel on September 29

There is still time until November 3. For those who follow the US elections, the key events will follow on September 29, when the first television match is scheduled.

“I think Trump will use that and go to bomb him as much as possible in those talks, destabilize him and insist that Biden is not capable of doing that job like the president of the United States. Because there is no firmness, as Trump says. That’s why he calls it ‘Sleeping Joe,’ ”said Milan Krstić.

Momcilo Pantelic claimed there will be a “dead race in making mistakes” with Biden during the duel.

“Biden is known for that too, just in a different way. His tongue gets a little tangled, which Trump uses and says he’s not capable and Biden retaliates against him, but he retaliated better when he was silent,” he noted Pantelić.

To further strengthen his base, Trump used the signing of the agreement in Washington last week, especially the point regarding the transfer of the Serbian embassy to Jerusalem and the opening of the Kosovo embassy in the same city.

“Two groups of voters are the most important to him. These are the Jews, for whom the issue of Israel is a key issue when deciding when to vote, and another group, which is more important to him, the evangelists, these Christians were the foundation of his victory in the last elections, “he said. is Obrad Kesić.

Trump or Biden, which is better for Serbia

And is it even more important for Serbia now, in light of the signed agreement, that Trump remain in the White House? Would the Biden administration just reject everything that was signed in the Oval Office?

“All of our officials spoke in support of Trump. A ‘Serbs for Trump’ organization was created in the United States. There used to be Serbs for Bush, then he won and brought independence to Kosovo,” says Momcilo Pantelic.

“I think it is good for Serbia to maintain contact with the president, and that is easier if Trump stays, but it should be noted that there was direct contact with Biden as vice president, he was in 2016 for the last time just before the presidential elections,” Milan Krstic said. .

Kesic believes that nothing will change even if Biden wins.

“Perception and interpretation can be used to create a different picture, if Biden wins, that Pristina, Sarajevo and other opponents of Serbia will work to create the perception that this is a victory over Serbia, not just Biden over Trump,” Obrad said. Kesic.

The electoral race in the United States is tight and changeable.

Bob Woodward’s book, which says Trump is dangerous, incompetent, without a moral compass, could possibly sway support for the current president.

Woodward is a gray eminence in his work and always cites reliable sources. Today, the media are debating whether Woodward will topple another president after Nixon, or whether Trump, as some say, is like Teflon that nothing sticks to, and two long and unpredictable months remain until the election.
