Sarajevo – Serbia’s move to allow the vaccination of citizens of the countries of the region, regardless of the place of digestion, has provoked numerous positive reactions, writes Klix.ba.
Source: RTS, Tanjug, klix.ba.

Tanjug / Tara Radovanovi
The Sarajevo website states that Serbian President Aleksandar Vui “whether they admit it or not, prevailed as the leader of the entire region during the pandemic, and Serbia as the protector of health.”
Certainly, however, many have wondered why Serbia is doing all of this and what benefits it has, says Klix in an article titled “How Serbia Made a Wise Geopolitical and Economic Move by Vaccinating the Komiluks.”
“Apart from that political aspect, if we look at it from another point of view, we can also see the economic benefits that Serbia is getting.” The trip to Belgrade, as well as the stay in that city, lasts a few hours or a day or two. There is a waste of fuel, food, drinks, possibly overnight stays and oping, ” estimates the Sarajevo portal.
Economic analyst Admir Avali told Klix.ba that if we look at the total costs of leaving and staying in Serbia, which may include a weekend, it is likely that free vaccination of foreign nationals is not a cost to Serbia.
He believes that, in terms of the economic aspect, it is important to take into account the decision of the Serbian authorities to position Belgrade as a destination for the arrival of foreigners for immunization. “It is a really good move from Serbia, both geopolitical and economic,” Avali said.
Klix adds that Avali emphasized that Belgrade’s official decision to immunize the citizens of the region is a truly ingenious geopolitical move.
In three days, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, more than 22,000 foreigners were vaccinated, who came at the invitation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce or registered through the e-government portal, said the director of the Office of Informatics and Administration Electronics. , Mihailo Jovanovi.
He said last night on RTS that Serbia had thus lost its sense of humanity and solidarity. He claimed that the foreigners were vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Jovanovi says that on Saturday queues were formed for the vaccination due to the arrival of foreigners, because the foreigners who were invited all came together at the same time in the morning.
“That’s why there was a crowd, if they had traveled the invitation and the time we gave them, there certainly wouldn’t have been a crowd. Today was much better in Belgrade,” said Jovanovi. He indicated that a message was sent to the region immediately on Saturday that all foreigners who were not invited should not come and that they must register in advance through the electronic administration portal and that they will be invited.
“The vaccination of foreigners did not interfere in any way with the vaccination of our citizens, because in the same period more than 28,000 of our citizens were vaccinated, with the Sputnik, Sinofarm and Pfizer vaccine,” said Jovanovi. He also stated that those who arrived without a call were not returned and that no ventilation room was working and that all those who had been vaccinated would.
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