Trstenik reintroduced the state of emergency due to the jump in the number of infected people


The municipality of Trstenik has decided to reintroduce the state of emergency, since there has been a jump in those infected by the coronavirus. Of the 11 new patients in the entire Rasina district, ten people are from Trstenik municipality.

When examining the contacts of the patients, the transmission of the disease in the cafes was found and the non-compliance of the prescribed preventive measures by the citizens was noted.

The president of the municipality, Milena Turk, says that based on the report of the Institute of Public Health on the worsening of the epidemiological situation in the territory of Trstenik, they made the decision to declare a state of emergency in the municipality of Trstenik.

“To date, 109 patients with Kovid 19 have been registered in our municipality. We have made the decision to declare a state of emergency and take special measures to prevent further spread of the virus,” Turk said, and asked all residents of this city to adhere to the prescribed rules. measure, in order to combat the epidemic as soon as possible.

According to data from the Krusevac Public Health Institute, three newly infected people were confirmed in the last 24 hours, including two from Trstenik municipality and one person from Krusevac.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,487 cases of Kovid19 have been registered in the Rasina district and 4,282 people are currently under health supervision. 1,409 people are considered cured.

Read more news about Kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world in the page Coronavirus.
