Tropical sunrise in Serbia! Belgrade people have not closed their eyes because of this phenomenon, and RED RAIN is coming today!


Many Belgraders complained that they didn’t “blink” last night, or woke up before dawn, nervous, irritable, drenched in sweat …

– I woke up around 4.30 and couldn’t sleep anymore. At first, it was hot even though we slept with the window open, and when I saw the weather forecast on TV a little later, everything was clear to me – Natasa V. said from Belgrade.

As the data from the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic showed, the temperature in the capital at 5.00 in the morning was as high as 22 degrees! So we had the first and warmest tropical night in 2020 (the tropical night is calculated when the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees).

However, there were warmer cities than Belgrade: in Kursumilia and Kragujevac, a temperature of 23 degrees was measured at 5.00, while the people of Kraljevo woke up when the mercury in the thermometer reached 25 degrees Celsius.

However, that was not the only problem with Belgraders this morning. Many of those who went to work, or to complete other duties, complained that they simply could not breathe. The warm weather was followed by light rain, and this, among other things, bothered the people of Belgrade, said meteorologist Djordje Đurić.

– In addition to the very warm air mass, large amounts of sand from the desert of North Africa and the Sahara arrive with the flow from the southwest, so rain with sand particles from the Sahara is expected today. “Yellow” or “red” or “dirty” rain is expected – explained Đurić.

If it is a consolation, all measurements show that there was no significant air pollution in the capital.

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