Tribune: Biden can find Serbia on a map, unlike Trump


The Democratic Party candidate for president of the United States, Joseph Biden, knows how to find Serbia on a map, unlike the president of the United States, Donald Trump, was told during the online discussion “American elections and Serbian dilemmas”, organized by the Belgrade Center for Security Policy and the Faculty of Political Science.

Biden’s electoral victory would be good for the citizens of Serbia who want democracy and a future without corruption, said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arms Control Association and former US Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Countryman, saying that the Trump administration corresponds to anti-democratic regimes.

If he wins the elections, Biden will not see the Western Balkans as a place of opposition to the European Union, but will coordinate with Brussels movements related to dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, Countryman said.

He claimed that Trump claims that he stopped the war between Serbs and Albanians with the September agreement on normalization of economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but that he “is not sure what he signed then.” There is no reason to believe that most Americans know what was signed in the White House at the time, Countryman said.

Vujacic: Belgrade should not support any candidate

The former Serbian ambassador to Washington, Ivan Vujacic, assessed that Belgrade should not support any candidate in the race for the White House.

It is decent to accept the decision of the people in the elections, Vujacic said, stating that the Serbs “love Trump” because they love everyone who was not part of the administration of former US President Bill Clinton, who ordered air strikes against Serbia. in 1999.

“I don’t think the Serbian diaspora can decisively influence the elections in the United States,” Vujacic said, adding that Biden, if elected, would renew Washington’s partnership with the EU. The idea of ​​exchanging territories between Serbia and Kosovo would disappear with the election of Biden. Biden will be more committed to Serbian monasteries in Kosovo and the rights of Kosovo Serbs, Vujacic said.

Georgiev: Whoever wins, Vučić will appreciate that it’s good for Belgrade

Newsmax Adria television director Slobodan Georgiev said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and his government, regardless of who wins the US elections, will assess that it is good for Belgrade.

The citizens of Serbia would like someone in Washington to start a story about democratic values, which has not been heard from the United States in recent years.

For us, the United States is a symbol of freedom, but for Washington, stability has been prioritized over freedom, Georgiev said.

He assessed that the Washington agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, signed at the White House, is “a step forward.”

If the Kosovo problem is not solved, Serbia cannot be part of the EU, no matter how much it has done to improve the rule of law and fight corruption, Georgiev said.
