Treating Children with Messages: Therapy Costs Huge, Awaiting More State Funding


Increasingly, we can see calls in which humanitarian organizations, foundations and individuals request the collection of financial aid for children, whose treatment is not covered by the Health Insurance of the Republic.

Zorica Dragojlović is six years old and suffers from spinal muscular atrophy, the most serious form. His life depends on the device and he is in intensive care for almost 24 hours. She breathes with the help of a respirator, her diet is possible only through a tube, that is, artificially.

Spinraza is a therapy that has been around for this disease in Serbia for the past two years. However, as Ljiljana, Zorica’s mother, explains, the costs of her treatment significantly exceed the state’s benefits for such patients.

“I cover the costs of physical therapy, medical supplies, which, of course, must all be sterile. There are gauze pads, feeding syringes, catheters, there are all these devices that you need for your life,” says Ljiljana Dragojlovic.

Whatever you look at it costs several thousand euros, explains Ljiljana. Add to the list of expenses the purchase of aid, the maintenance of the device or the buyback if they break down. She says she covers these costs herself, and they far exceed state income or social benefits. Provides additional funds as a recipient of the Be Human Foundation.

“As many as there are human people, who pay us an SMS or their account through the Be Humane Foundation, and then I get rid of the equipment and then I see what is most necessary for her to make her life easier,” adds Ljiljana .

Ljiljana is not the only beneficiary of the humanitarian organization. Images of children whose treatment depends on the humanity of individuals, that is, sending SMS messages or other types of donations, flood social networks and the sites of humanitarian organizations daily.

DragojlovićSource: H1

The “Support Life” foundation says they have funded the treatment of 120 children so far, and that most of their beneficiaries are children with cerebral palsy, who need funds for operations, physical therapy or medical aids.

“It would be useful for the RHIF to provide larger budgets to finance sick children, as well as significantly shorten the waiting time for the approval of the funds, because the urgency of certain cases must be taken into account, so parents resort to to private foundations rather than to the State ”. The funds will be raised in a shorter period of time, “explains Katarina Danojlić of the Support Life Foundation.

The members of the RHIF commission for the treatment of rare diseases make a decision on the approval of the therapy for people with rare diseases, based on the request presented by the doctor, they explain in the National Organization for Rare Diseases.

“We believe that all people with rare diseases for which there is a registered therapy should exercise the right to treatment,” they say in the organization.

During that time, the state announces numerous investment priorities. Among them is the national stadium, whose value should be 250 million euros. Such an advertisement was the subject of numerous convictions and some thought that this money should have been invested in the treatment of children.
