Trampoline Director: Overcrowded Hospitals, 9,500+ Code Patients


Hospitals are overcrowded, more than 9,500 patients with covid are being treated in them and the number of admissions is even higher than the number of discharges, said the director of the Institute of Public Health “Trampolín”, Verica Jovanović.

During the visit to Serbian Radio and TelevisionJovanović said that the key measures remain the breaking of contacts, distance and the use of a mask, and the immunization that we have in front of us seems like a salvation.

He recalled that vaccination has already started in some countries and that national commissions make decisions on priority groups.

He stated that the objective is, with the application of all preventive measures, to reach the level of immunity “that protects us” in 2021.

Jovanovic added that in Serbia the most important thing is that the Medicines Agency gives its consent and confirms that the vaccine is ready for use.

“We hope it will be in the shortest possible time since the vaccine arrived in the country,” he said.

Talking about the rapid tests that appeared in pharmacies, he evaluated that they are intended to be used in health institutions and that citizens should not use them alone. He noted that taking swabs incorrectly can lead to a mistake, but he also pointed out the possibility of injury.

Speaking of the celebration of family baptisms, on the occasion of Saint Nicholas Day, which is today and will come in the next period, Jovanovic pointed out that its celebration in the family circle is of great importance, “because it is a behavior that protects everyone from infection. “

He said that, while respecting fame and customs, it is important to stay within the family and minimize “interference” between people.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus
