TRAGEDY ON THE LAKE NEAR ZRENJANIN An older fisherman suffered a heart attack on a boat and fell into the water, a younger colleague jumped after him.


Veljko Vujaskovic, 23, from the village of Neuzina and Tito Novak, 58, from the neighboring village of Sutjeska, in the municipality of Secanj, not far from Zrenjanin, drowned on Saturday in one of the 16 lakes of the Sveti fish pond. Nikola in Neuzina.

On a sunny but also windy day, the workers of the aforementioned pond noticed the lifeless body of Tito Novak floating on the surface of the water, the police were alerted, and divers from the Belgrade Gendarmerie special unit found the body of the young Veljko Vujaskovic and pulled the lake out of the water. around 4 pm, Novosti writes.

There are no official confirmations on the causes of this tragedy for now, considering that the results of the autopsy and the expert report are still awaited, but unofficial accounts indicate that the older fisherman Tito Novak de Sutjeska, who is the father of two children, is he fell ill on the ship and had a heart attack. a younger colleague, when he fell from the boat, jumped into the water behind him, intending to help him, and was not a good swimmer.

– What is your destiny, it seems that at the time of the tragedy they passed in the part of the lake where the water is deep, otherwise in our youth we swam in that lake and the water is approximately one and a half meters deep? – says a neighbor of Sutjeska, pointing out that they are serious and responsible people, who worked in the pond.

Silence and disbelief in Neuzina, a docile village in Banat, where 23-year-old Veljko came from, who lived in the family home with his father and grandmother.

– He was young, full of life and plans, human and apparently he did not think for a moment whether to come to the aid of an older colleague, who, as I heard, fell ill in a boat in the middle of the lake, where they were – the story a neighbor of Neuzina, insisting that we must await the official results of the investigation.
