TRAGEDY NEAR CHOKE: A driver was killed when he collided with a truck with a car


He was injured while driving a car, for reasons still unknown, he crossed to the opposite side of the road and collided with the front of his car with an oncoming truck. The truck was driven by MM (57) from Stanišić near Sombor, who, we found out, did not commit any offense that could lead to the accident.

To determine the exact cause of death of the driver of the passenger car F.Š. , who lost his life on the spot, his body was sent for autopsy to the Forensic Medicine Center in Novi Sad. This was ordered by the Kikinda Municipal Prosecutor, who conducted an on-site investigation.

An autopsy will help the investigation to obtain information on whether the deceased driver lost control of the vehicle due to health problems or whether the cause of the accident was of a completely different nature.

The passenger car in which the driver died was moving from the center of Ostojićevo towards Čoka, and the truck was coming in the opposite direction. The traffic accident happened on Friday, around 7:30 pm

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