TRAGEDY AFTER TRAGEDY: The baby was buried today, and six months ago the Grujin family was left without an OLD GRANDSON


Before the one-month-old died in still unexplained circumstances, his uncle’s brother and grandmother also died a few days later. It all happened in less than six months.

The baby, born 40 days ago, passed away on the night from Saturday to Sunday. According to the mother of SS (17), the boy cried about two hours after midnight, but in the morning when she woke up, he was no longer breathing.

– I got up around six in the morning to wake up my son to go to work. Sometimes he works as a shepherd, tending sheep. I woke him up, made coffee, and at one point I heard my daughter-in-law screaming and yelling, “Baby’s not breathing! Baby’s not breathing!” – said the boy’s grandfather, Sava Grujin.

As he said, the baby was stiff and blood was coming out of his nose. They didn’t know how to help her, but unfortunately, neither did the doctors. The only thing the ambulance could do was declare the death and express its condolences to the family.

– I was 40 days old. He was a good boy, he liked to hug us – says his grandfather through tears.

The boy was buried today, at 3 in the afternoon, in the cemetery of the village of Zagajica, just a few hundred meters from the house where he lived with his family, in a white coffin.


The tragedy of the Grujin family does not end there. A few days after they lost their grandson, Sava’s wife passed away.

– She was my greatest love in the world, my soul hurts since she died, we have been married for 45 years. We never fought, I loved her very much and she was the best mother in the world. She gave me seven children and I can’t even count how many grandchildren and great-grandchildren I have – Sava finished.


Less than six months ago, the Grujin family lost another grandson. A 16-year-old boy, the son of Sava’s eldest son, has died.

Two years before his death, Sava’s grandson was injured during the game when someone hit him in the leg with a brick. The boy had a wound that healed, but after some time his leg began to swell. They took him to different doctors, but they all told them that everything would be fine and that the boy would recover.

The last time they went to the doctor, they were sent to Belgrade for emergency surgery, but sadly the boy then died.


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