TOZOVAC URGENTLY HOSPITALIZED FOR THE CROWN: Famous singer in serious condition, connected to oxygen


– His blood count is not good, he is in serious condition for now, but he is stable. He is not on a ventilator, but he is receiving oxygen therapy. His condition will be actively monitored overnight, the leakers are doing their best to help him, but it is too early to give forecasts, we will see how the situation will develop – said a well-informed source about the famous singer’s health.

Tozovac was born in Kraljevo in 1936, to his father Svetozar-Toza Živković, after whom his mother Budimka was nicknamed, so few of his many fans know that his real name is actually Predrag Živković.

Its great popularity began in 1971, when it gained the Song of Summer with the composition “Mirjana”. The following year, she won again with the song “Eyes of a Woman” and confirmed her status as the most popular singer in this area. In 1972, he sang the song “Jeremiah”, which the then communist authorities classified as Chetnik songs, for which he was forced to take refuge with friends in Germany. After two years, he returns to Serbia, the authorities take away his passport, but Tozovac is still the favorite of the public and continues to sing, but also presenting various shows and shows …

He is considered by many to be the greatest gentleman in Serbian folk music, and his songs have not faded with age, so even today they are an inevitable repertoire in all celebrations and festivities, such as “You were waiting for me”, of a woman “,” Autumn in my alley “,” Leno, Leno Magdaleno “and others …

In October 2012, he received the diploma of meritorious citizen of the city of Kraljevo.

Earlier this year, the famous singer married his life partner Emilia Mima, after 40 years of love and life together.

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