Total confusion regarding tests, citizens should not use them alone


Today, there is again total confusion and conflicting information when it comes to personal antigen tests that turned up yesterday at state pharmacies. Yesterday, the citizens took practically all the quantities in the pharmacies, and today the explanation comes that we should not put ourselves to the test. And if we do that, we could hurt ourselves. On the other hand, even those for whom, according to today’s explanations by officials, the tests are intended, are unaware of the procedures.

In just half an hour, at home, with a rapid antigen test, you get a result of whether you are positive for coronavirus. Quickly and safely, they complained yesterday in Belgrade pharmacies, which is why citizens took all the evidence last night.

And this morning additional amounts arrived and the TV N1 journalist managed to come up with a test. The first intention was to show how the test is used, but in the meantime a warning was received that it is not designed for home use and for several reasons: citizens do not know how to take a swab correctly and, if they try, they can injury.

The director of the Belgrade Pharmaceutical Institution, Jasminka Bjeletić, warns citizens that the sample can only be taken by a health worker who has medical knowledge for it.

“Just as vaccines and medicines are sold, when there is a warning to use them in a health institution. A citizen does not inject or vaccinate,” says Bjeletić.

The state does not know how the tests at the state pharmacy counters ended.

To put it mildly, the misunderstanding turned out to be, says Crisis Staff member Provincial Health Secretary Zoran Gojković.

“Taking it unprofessionally can take the wrong material, get a false positive or negative test, and whoever takes the sample can be injured,” he warns.

Therefore, the inspection is in the field since this morning, says the provincial secretary of Health.

“The Agency for Medicines and Health Products has authorized the sale of various antigen tests. These tests are planned exclusively for qualified medical personnel, private health institutions”, explains Gojković.

And in private clinics, they say for H1 that the only thing they know about the new tests is how to take a swab correctly. Everything else is a complete stranger to them too, and they claim they received no instructions from the state. And there are no instructions on how to dispose of the waste left after the test, because due to the possibility of spreading the infection, special rules of destruction are required.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
