Torches are not organized by SNS, you wouldn’t allow it! Please don’t violate the curfew


On Sunday night, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on TV Pink on TV Pink that the SNS is not the organizer of the torches, which are the response to “Sherpas,” that is, protests by citizens who beat up Sherpas and blow their whistles every night after 8 pm.

– Nothing organized my party because I would not allow them. I can’t forbid people to fit in with someone somewhere. But I ask you to be careful, I ask you not to use torches, I ask that no one violate the curfew. This was organized by some youth association – said Vucic.

While in the background, torch shots from rooftops, as well as images of SNS MP Vladimir Djukanovic, who participated in a torch, said he understood the guilty people.

– Like the others who are sometimes guilty of hearing this noise, they must understand how nervous everyone is, not only with people who have young children, but also with people who are apolitical and who think differently from them. So I think all of this doesn’t make sense, to be completely open and completely honest. It is important to me that everyone is responsible under the law that violated the curfew. And those who beat people in Dorcol just because they did their job, as well as those who used the curfew to get from one place to another. Everyone should respond. Everywhere Everywhere – Vucic said.

Around the same time tonight, while Pink’s show was running, Dragan Djilas, one of the SZS leaders, in a video posted on Facebook and Twitter, emotionally accused Vucic of “bringing debacles” to a building neighbor from where your children live. and that these people released the “Djilasa thieves” from the loudspeakers, who were heard by their “crying children”.

Djilas said in the video that he will be in the building where his children live and will wait for those who released “Djilas, thieves” from the public speech.

In “Hit tweet,” Vucic also referred to civil protest in the form of hitting sips and blowing whistles.

– I don’t think that’s bad from an angle. People have been in houses for a long time, they have to express their protest in some way. The only thing that bothers me is that they appropriated something that was supposed to be the most positive reaction to the doctor’s work. I already had these sherps in 2016, 2017, 2019, they just forgot about it. It is important to me that these sips and these pots are fuller, that wages are increasing, that pensions are increasing – said Vucic

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