Tomorrow we celebrate the Day of the Cross, the day the Holy Cross was excavated on Golgotha: you should pay special attention to this!


The Day of the Cross is a great holiday celebrated by the Serbian Orthodox Church and the faithful, the day that is found and excavated the Holy Cross of Golgotha and the day he returned from Persia to Jerusalem. This party is also called and Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Celebrate twice during the year, January 18 and September 27. Previously, people fasted strictly on this day. Fairs are held in some towns.

The biggest fair in Gornja Pcinja is organized in Radovnica, under the church by the Pcinja river, where various haystacks were used and used for the fair. People arrive early and sell and buy livestock; until noon, and from noon come those who want to see yours, be seen and be provide.

It is an old custom that on this day cattle are covered with tar in the sign of the cross to protect themselves from disease. People believe that on the Day of the Cross, the snakes are removed and that they have been gone ever since. In all the towns they pay the “Poles”, who guard the fields from St. George’s Day to the Day of the Cross and that scare away birds and collect fines from those whose livestock damage other people’s fields. You pay as much as agreed on St. George’s Day.

In our town it is believed that Cross day – 11. according to the old, that is, September 27 according to the new calendar, should dig holes to plant fruit trees, so that its branches branch out as much as possible.

Around Leskovac on this day people are in church consecrated basil, grapes, wheat and apples. That consecrated basil was saved with an icon and later used for various healings. In many parts of the day, the weather is also predicted:

– If it is the Day of the Cross cloudy, winter will be rich in snow, and if it is dry, next year will be dry.

– Yes until the day of the cross do not go to the swallows, there will be no strong winters.

– Silent rain predicts the Day of the Cross mild winter.

Thunder the Day of the Cross heralds a fruitful year.

– If the Day of the Cross is cloudy, winter will be snowy. If it is clear, there will be dry frost.

People born on this day are believed to be alone with weak shoulders they carry the shadow of the Holy Cross and that, therefore, they are especially responsible before God for their actions.

It is customary to go out choose and update basil. It is celebrated as a baptismal festival.

