Tomorrow is the UTERUS! This is what the kids put under their pillow tonight


This is one of the three most solemn holidays that precede Christmas.

Tomorrow, Serbs around the world will celebrate a big party, dedicated to the whole family, children and their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, aunts, neighbors.

It is a popular custom for children to prepare a rope or rope on the eve of this holiday and hide it under a pillow. They get up early the next day to try to tie the mother while she is still sleeping, or to “stalk” her when she gets up, to tie her legs.

Women who have married childless daughters visit them “to redeem themselves”, bringing cakes and gifts, their daughter’s cloth for dress, the son-in-law’s shirt …

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The uteri are held one week after the boys.

The next day, the children try to tie the cat’s legs or arms. She, on the other hand, usually pretends not to know why she is tied up, pretends to be kidnapped, and begs the children to release her. The children then congratulate her on the holidays, after which she distributes gifts to them so that she can “dress up.”

They were held at the court of Karadjordjevic

Mother’s Day was even celebrated at the royal court. Children selected from more respectable houses, but also poor children without parents, would be brought to court to “bind the queen” and receive gifts. Queen Marija Krađorđević was very active in celebrating this holiday. The most prominent Belgrade ladies of that time followed suit and became members of charitable societies, most often “Serbian Sisters Car”. The most important holiday for them was Mother’s Day, when they distributed gifts to poor children.

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Knowing that the children will re-tie her during the day, she does not give the prepared gifts to the children all at once. In addition to the mother, the children also bond with their grandmothers, as well as other mothers in the neighborhood. Women who have married childless daughters visit them “to redeem themselves”, bringing cakes and gifts: their daughter’s material for the son-in-law’s dress and shirt.


The greatest Christian feast of mothers and wives.

People believe that this feast is the most solemn of the three. In addition to mothers, children also tie their grandmothers on this day.

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Lately, Mother’s Day has been celebrated more solemnly in our temples. On this occasion, the women are preparing a suitable program or game in which the children participate with recitals and songs. After the show, the children tie up the older women and give them little things and gifts, such as nuts.

