Tomic: Why foreign passengers are riskier, measures are not respected in Serbia


Crisis personnel and the Serbian government must explain why people returning from abroad are more at risk than those traveling through Serbia, huddled in a small hotel or in swimming pools, journalist Nikola Tomić said as a guest on New Day. He adds that “some kind of measure” regarding self-isolation should have been adopted before and not in mid-September. Regarding the signatures in Washington, Tomic assures that it is not an agreement, but a letter of intent and that “it is not worthy of the Nobel Prize.”

“I would very much like to know why it is more risky to go abroad, and not here in our country, it is not very safe, especially if we see that people in swimming pools, in restaurants, do not respect distance. It would be good if there were some measure regarding mandatory self-isolation of returnees approved earlier, and it would be nice to know what happens in Serbia after 100 people huddle in a provincial hotel, why they are not more in danger than the people who were in Turkey for example “Tomic says.

Serbia is still in an “intermediate” state, we do not have a government, we do not have a president of the assembly, but we have bombings in broad daylight, as well as unprecedented violence in Novi Sad. When asked where we are today, Tomic says we are not doing well.

“That perception is very important. We can count, we can count statistics, but perception is key, it determines our relationship with reality. And when things work, it does not sound good or seem good. I am not prone to darkening, some depressive experiences world , although things are not going very well, “he added.

According to him, the stories of politicians in power about how Serbia is a country with an organized system, he says, we should have more in practice.

“Even self-isolation in mid-September. Or that the police are supposed to work, but in fact not working, two full weeks after the brutal beating in Novi Sad,” Tomic recalled.

Chairman of the Democratic Party (DS) Zoran Lutovac stated that “the Washington Accord is not important in terms of its meaning or content to build or preserve global or regional peace.”, stating that the nomination of the governments of Serbia and Kosovo “is neither the first nor the last completely unfounded Nobel Prize nomination.”

Commenting on Lutovac’s statement, Tomic says that it is the assessment of an opposition politician, but that certainly what was signed in Washington cannot be called an agreement.

“Judging by what international law experts say, there is no need to look for a special scandal in this, the content is what can be debated. I would not call it an agreement, but an agreement, the experts say it is not a legally binding document or an interstate agreement between Serbia and Kosovo. It is a letter of intent, an agreement as an agreement is difficult, or we can call it a political commitment with the United States “, explains the guest of N1.

When asked what the deal was for, Tomic said: “The deal serves to partially harmonize the foreign policy of Serbia with the foreign policy of the United States, as well as to win the Trump administration over Serbia, or the Vucic government. On the other hand, it is again a reminder of commitments under the Brussels Agreement and those adopted subsequently. “

“In my opinion, this should be seen from the angle of the bilateral relations between Serbia and Washington. We have never had more messages directed towards Serbia from the United States than recently, and that is good. But we must also take our interests into account. “Tomic said. .

According to him, some of Aleksandar Vučić’s explanations after the signing of that agreement are especially debatable.

“As it is a controversial relativization of the obligations assumed in relation to the embassy in Jerusalem, it is quite frivolous, I hope that those who said that also understood it,” he says.

As for whether Serbia is turning more and more to Washington, Tomic says the “four pillars” foreign policy is certainly unsustainable.

“When you spread out to four sides, you fall in the middle, you are left alone … I believe that the EU must remain the strongest bastion of our foreign policy, if not domestic policy, that is, the way it should be build the country, “he said. it’s Tomic.

And that, he adds, should not be a cliché.

“For me, that is not a phrase, it is something that I have been convinced of for decades. For some politicians, approaching the EU comes down to a phrase, and everyone has a great responsibility for that,” said the H1 guest .

Nobel nomination – marketing only

Donald Trump received another separate nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, and the governments of Kosovo and Serbia first, due to the economic normalization agreement, confirmed on Twitter the special envoy of President Trump for the peace negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, Richard Grenell. Grenel shared on this social network a letter from Magnu Jakobson, a Swedish publicist who nominated three parties for this prestigious award.

Commenting on the Nobel Prize nomination, Tomic says it’s “public relations stuff.”

“Anyone can nominate for the Nobel. Trump has had the desire to win that ‘Nobel’ for many years, he is a man with unlimited resources, we will see if this wish comes true. But I believe that this signed in Washington is important for Serbia.” and for Trump, but it is not worthy of the Nobel Prize. Perhaps a long-term agreement to resolve the Kosovo crisis could be important, but this one signed in Washington is not, “emphasizes Tomic.

And at the same time, he adds, it is not known who was nominated there: Trump, representatives or the governments of Serbia and Kosovo.
