Tomane opens his soul to the Portuguese media!


– The Serbian league was broken ten days after the Portuguese league and I have been without training on the field for three weeks. People in Serbia are practically forced to stay in their homes and this isolation is generally done without major problems. The President established strict measures and put pressure on the people. You already saw what happened to Luka Jovic of Real Madrid. He complicated his life and served as an example to others, “Tomane said.

He knows the history of the Serbian people well and believes that it has significantly facilitated the fight against coronation.

– The times of war that were not so long ago and the circumstances in them contributed to people becoming aware of the situation and getting used to it. However, life in Serbia is slowly returning to normal.

He described the Portuguese and what to expect after returning to the training process after this multi-part quarantine.

– Training is a completely different matter now. There isn’t much history on the field, not even in the locker room. But it is better than being locked in the house all day. We work in pairs. What Sporting started doing now in Portugal, we did it three weeks ago. I leave home in training equipment, I drive myself and in training I work in pairs with another player from 11.00 to 12.30 – Tomane said.

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