Toma Fila revealed what will happen to Kosovo: They prefer to cut off their hand rather than sign it



16.12.2020. 20:29

Take Fila, lawyer

Take Fila, lawyer, Photo: Tanjug, Rade Prelić

Lawyer Takes Row He spoke tonight about the Proposal to amend the Constitution of Serbia, which is currently in parliamentary process.

– The preamble is not touched and people are afraid of it. Let the people be calm, because while the Assembly is like this, it will not happen. I know many Members who prefer to cut off their hand rather than sign it. The first and main contentious issue is the selection of judges. I share the opinion of the bar associations, and we all agree, that judges should not be elected for three years, but forever. The Venice Commission and the judges argue that the Assembly has nothing to do with the election of judges. Nowhere does it exist that only judges elect judges, and it also applies to prosecutors. We think that so much power, without control, should not be given to the Supreme Council of the Judiciary. The Assembly, with 250 people, will see more than ten in the Supreme Council of the Judiciary – said Fila.

He noted that “the Venice Commission is not a Holy Scripture.”
