There may be changes to the curfew term for the May Day holiday, said epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorovi.
Source: B92

However, a final decision will be made on Wednesday.
As he said, the detailed evaluation will be on Wednesday, and his position, as well as the position of the profession, is to maintain the measures.
“But the start of the curfew does not have to be at 18 o’clock, it does not have to be affected on Thursday and can take effect from Friday. There is a lot of public pressure to abolish that curfew for the holidays,” said.
“Most people take the measures, but there is a five percent who will say May 1 – Oh, cold beer, hot lamb – and it will bring everything we’ve done so far,” he says.
He also told TV Pink that the end of the first half of the coronavirus fight could be “not before the end of May.”
Serbian President Aksandar Vui visits RTS tomorrow, and the media say that one of the topics of the visit will be future measures on the curfew for the May Day holiday, as well as the possibility of lifting the state of emergency.