Today’s cross section: 85% of those infected in Belgrade, more serious figures expected tomorrow


Of the total number of newly infected with coronavirus in Serbia, today only 15% are outside Belgrade.

Source: Tanjug

Depositphotos / BiancoBlue

Depositphotos / BiancoBlue

Of 67 new patients in the last 24 hours, there are 57 cases in Belgrade, which represents a little more than 85%.

In other parts of Serbia, a total of 10 new patients are positive, most of them in Bor: four, Krusevac two and one in four cities.

Today, according to data from the website, it was claimed that of the 5,263 people tested, 67 tested positive, there are 20 patients on respirators.

That expected number, less positive, is common on Mondays around the world because “fewer patients come for tests on Saturdays and Sundays.”

More serious figures can be expected from tomorrow.

Epidemiologists have warned that next week is a big test, when it will be seen if calls for respecting preventive measures are paying off.

The epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Predrag Kon, told Tanjug that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is deteriorating, especially in Belgrade, and warns that due to the increase in the number of infected people in the capital, the situation from uncertain to unfavorable .

Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović notes:

If the anti-epidemic measures are not respected, in two weeks there will be more than 500 patients a day, and when that number is exceeded, it is possible to make a new decision not to give more classes in schools and colleges, but the classes will be exclusively online. “.
