TODAY WE WILL HAVE A NEW NON-GLORIOUS RECORD! Dr. Kon reveals how long the number of infected people will grow


Kon said that yesterday’s results, when 341 newly infected people were recorded, should be taken with a grain of salt, because that is the number of the week that is always lower.

– Very soon, today, we will have a new, infamous record, a number greater than ever. That increase is expected to continue this week and next. If we can stop it, then that increase will continue into the third week, but then it would slow down and it would be nice to be so paradoxical. After that, I hope we can flatten the curve – Kon said for “Novo jutro” on TV Pink.

Kon said that the flattening of the curve will increase the number of hospitalized, that hospitals will be filled.

– We have an extremely serious period ahead of us. That is valid for all of Serbia, but right now the most serious situation is in Belgrade, Kon emphasized.

He said the average incubation period is five to seven days, and that it can be extended to 10.

– 98 percent is in those 10 days, a very small percentage is in 14 days … More and more that 10-day period is given as the longest, although it has been shown to be longer, but that is rare – Kon said.

He said the number of infected people is also increasing in schools, which is higher than the previous week.

Kon stressed that some kinds of restrictions will be necessary if the number of infected people increases.

As he says, he no longer calls the mask a mask, but: A BARRIER TO THE VIRUS.

– If we want the virus not to attack us, we put on masks, but everyone, there is no more negotiation about it – said Dr. Kon.

Dr. Marko Ercegovac, director of the Emergency Center, said that there is a situation in UC where a large number of patients come for their primary diseases, and that there are patients among them who test positive.

– It has been like this from the beginning, since March, with the fact that we had a period in June, and one now in September and part of October, when the number of hospitalized with positive covid after PCR findings was very small – said Ercegovac .

As he says, there is a high frequency of patients in the Emergency Center.

– In the largest peaks, we had five, six positives of COVID hospitalized per day, so we reached one per day, up to two positives – Ercegovac said.


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