TODAY WE “JUMP” OVER 2,500 INFECTED? Tuesday, the day the crown prints the BLACKER NUMBERS


Records have been set for the number of people infected with the corona virus in the previous days, and according to some unwritten rule, Tuesday is a black day when it comes to the crown in Serbia, so today is supposed to we can reach 2,500 new cases in just 24 hours.

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon warned yesterday that this is not just an assumption, but that such a scenario can really catch up with us.

Number of new cases for a given datePhoto: COVID19 / screenshot

Number of new cases for a given date

– If on Saturday we had 980 new infected people in Belgrade, I said for Belgrade that in 10 days we can reach 2000 infected people in 24 hours, for Serbia it is much more – he explained.

This confirms the projections that “Blic” has already written about, and it is that in the next few days we are approaching the Croatian and Slovenian stage, and these two neighboring countries are in a true crown cataclysm! That is, when their records are “translated” to our number of inhabitants, it would actually mean that we are threatened by more than 6,000 infected people per day.

In any case, if this kind of picture that Dr. Kon talks about is very possible only for Belgrade in the next few days, then it is expected that as soon as today we will cross 2,000 newly infected people for all of Serbia and even reach the figure of 2,500 .

Why is Tuesday the darkest day?

According to an unwritten but established rule, Tuesday is the day when up to three times more people are infected than Monday.

That we have a drop on Monday is just a hoax, Dr. Predrag Kon often said, and this is the explanation: since fewer people are tested on weekends, fewer are infected and the results cover a 24 hour period, so it stands to reason that Tuesday is black. crown day.

This rule is best illustrated by the situation at the beginning of last week. That is, on Monday, October 26, we had 341 new cases, while on Tuesday, just one day later, 1,053 new cases were registered.

According to the latest data, yesterday 802 people tested positive for the corona virus in Serbia. If we triple that value according to the characteristic pattern, we will obtain about 2,400 new patients. in just 24 hours!

VIDEO: Kon: In Belgrade, 50% of the total number of newly infected
