Today, the SEAT OF CRISIS SEAT, A MEASURE will be considered in particular


Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojicic announced that a session of the crisis staff of the city of Belgrade will be held today, in which the issue of the city’s public transport will be especially discussed.

It should be remembered that the Minister of Health of Serbia, Zlatibor Lončar, said two days ago that urban transport will be increased so that there are fewer crowds, but what confuses many is the continuation of his statement in which he says that “when transport urban is up to 50 percent full stand at the station until the crowd clears. “

Today, in fact, we should find out exactly how urban transport will work in the coming days.

It should be remembered that on Saturday, the Government of Serbia, at the suggestion of the Crisis Personnel for the fight against the coronavirus, adopted new measures that will take effect tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. There are a total of 7 of them, and among them is the shortening of the working hours of restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, betting houses and shopping centers until 6 in the afternoon, with the exception of the stores, which will operate until 9 pm.

Belgrade with the most serious situation

Radojicic warned yesterday that the epidemiological situation is extremely serious, especially in Belgrade, and called for solidarity in conditions when, as he said, a period of three or four months of severe winter awaits us.

– The number of exams exceeds 5,500 per day. Also, 60 percent of the first exams are for those who have just gotten sick. This is an extreme burden on the health system, we have a large number of people with respirators, the epidemic has broken out and the situation is very serious – said Radojicic.

The mayor explained that the communal militia had controlled the restoration facilities and the implementation of measures in the previous days, and stated that more than 100 facilities had been controlled.

“A building with more people than allowed was found in Kralja Petra and it was closed,” Radojicic declared.

He added that more than 60 requests for private parties have been received and that six have been suspended so far.

– This indicates that young people are mainly trying to circumvent the measures. Let us be in solidarity and all together in this difficult situation and help each other to overcome it – said the mayor.

VIDEO: Corona Party in the middle of Belgrade
