Today, Serbia is a geopolitically more important United States than Kosovo than before


BELGRADE – Interlocutors at yesterday’s session of the Foreign Relations Committee of the US House of Representatives, according to retired diplomat and former Yugoslav Foreign Minister Vladislav Jovanovic, wanted to warn the new US President Joseph Biden that it should continue with the policy of advocating for Kosovo independence and putting pressure on Serbia to finally accept that and ignore the new realities in the region.

Illustrationphoto: AP

“The so-called independent Kosovo and a strengthened Serbia are not the same, Serbia is geopolitically much more important to the United States today than Kosovo yesterday,” said Jovanovic, adding that this was the concern of all the protagonists of Kosovo’s independence.

Commenting on yesterday’s speeches by the promoters of Kosovo independence Eliot Engel, Maldlen Albright, Danijela Servera Jovanovic, they estimate that they fear the new situations and new processes that have developed in the Balkans, such as the success of Serbia in relation to other Western Balkan countries. political situation, but also the participation and greater prominence of Russia, China, Turkey ”, emphasizes Jovanović, k A, as Jovanović points out, these events will probably be inevitable in the context of“ the beginning of the formation of the politics of the new American president towards our region ”.

Jovanovic believes that the new American president, as a “realist” and “operational”, will not be able to completely deny the new reality changed in the last 5-6 years.

Especially since his predecessor Donald Trump ‘opened’ a new furrow in the question of the Kosovo resolution, and that is the economic furrow, which in a way seemed to many more realistic and safer, leaving aside the question of recognition. end of Kosovo as an independent country. countries, “explains Jovanović.

IllustrationPhoto: EPA / Erin Schaff / POOL

As he says, if this process of economic cooperation and economic integration of the countries of the region were to develop and become a reality through initiatives like the “Little Schengen”, then the arguments for absolute support for Kosovo’s independence would weaken. .

“It would open views for some more flexible solutions, which do not necessarily mean the independence of Kosovo. This is something that is in the subconscious of the defenders of the old politics because they are still afraid of everything that seems new,” said the diplomatic.

According to him, Joseph Biden, regardless of whether it can be concluded by monitoring the development of events and the political climate in the Balkans, especially economic integration, will not be in favor of “abandoning the idea of ​​Kosovo independence.”

Jovanovic does not believe that the position of the participants of yesterday’s meeting that “they speak the same language, today as they spoke 10-20 years ago” and that they would not want the question of the admission of Kosovo as a state called independent to be postponed to the UN for who knows when because “Any delay in easy death” has too much impact. to the Biden administration.

“It won’t even have a significant impact at all, because Biden himself is the progenitor of that Kosovo independence policy and pressure from Serbia and forces him to admit it. However, it was five years ago,” said the former Foreign Minister. Yugoslav foreign.

On the other hand, it considers that Serbia is independent and economically healthy, with deeply developed relations with other centers of power, not only economically but also militarily and politically.

“Serbia has strengthened its policy of neutrality and military independence and, as such, we should not be careless in US policy because that would be counterproductive to that policy,” says Jovanovic.

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The so-called independent Kosovo and a strengthened Serbia are not the same, he explains, adding “that Serbia as such is geopolitically much more important to the United States than yesterday’s so-called Kosovo.”

“Because maintaining Kosovo at all costs and losing Serbia is not a success for American politics. And that is what gives strength to Serbian politics, even if it is not aware of it, or not always is. But the United States, like key geopolitical actor in the Balkans, he is well aware of that. ” and that is what worries all the protagonists of Kosovo’s independence ”, concluded Jovanovic.


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